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Australian punk rockers Poison Oak talk about their debut album and working on album #2
We’re Poison Oak, an Australian Indie Punk Rock Band, from Australia, Queensland Townsville. We’ve been around for about five years. TELL...

TalkRadio talk about thier latest release and how to stand out in a sea of content
My name is Alex. I’m from Melbourne, Australia. Although I was learning drumming as a teenager, music was not originally my first choice....

Australian pop punk's Tamala Park Book Club step into the Spotlight
Tamala Park Book Club is a visual rock band from Perth, Western Australia. They make music inspired by a multitude of different genres,...

The Chuck Norris Experiment celebrate 20 years of hard rock
The Chuck Norris Experiment (CNE) are a Swedish hard rock band formed in 2004. The name is not a tribute to the actor Chuck Norris, but...

"Our music suffers from a severe personality disorder" Ventures talk about musical influences from Luther Vandross to The Devil Wears Prada
We chat to Manchester metalcore outfit Ventures about having a diverse interest in music and how grass roots venues should get more...

"Metal, symphony and electronica" Arctic Dreams discuss Arctic Metal in our Spotlight
The Arctic Dreams story began in 2009 with Aleksandr [Alex_Y] Järvinen (vocal/guitars/music/lyric), Igor [Sydius] Pokatilov...

"I would destroy the internet altogether. I wish we could live how it was in the 80s" We get nostalgic with One Exit Down
PLEASE TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. JACOB: Hi, I’m Jacob! I’m the lead singer and rhythm guitar player for One Exit Down. Outside of...

"It’s all David Bowie’s fault" CP from A Permanent Shadow puts his brand of synth pop in the Spotlight
I’m CP, singer in A Permanent Shadow. I’m of Austrian origin but have lived in Spain for the last 25 years. I started APS some 5 years...

With influences from prog and rock and incorporating hard and soft vocals, we throw experimental death metal band MOGA into the spotlight
MoGa are a new experimental death metal band formed in 2023. They are based in Sofia, Bulgaria and strive to challenge the established...

“Do not pee on an electric fence.” we get good advice from Finnish hard goth rock band Atomic Agent in the spotlight
PLEASE TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. I’m Al Aston, and I’m the singer-songwriter behind Atomic Agent, a Finnish Hard Goth Rock band. I...

70s style stoner/doom rock we throw the psychedelic grooves of Slow Green Thing into The Spotlight
Slow Green Thing, hailing from Dresden, Saxony, is a band well-versed in the art of Stoner/Doom music, with a substantial following both...

From Star Trek to Mogwai we put alt-rock band Follow Me Dark in the Spotlight
Follow Me Dark is a four-piece independent rock band from Grass Valley, California. We make music in line with the alternative rock of...
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