Girl power is alive and well with rock 'n' roll quintet Thundermother. Formed in 2010 when guitarist Filippa Nässil found the urge to form a band, she enlisted Giorgia Carteri who had moved to Stockholm from Italy, to help join in her quest. Soon after Tilda Stengvist (drums), Linda Ström (bass) and Dublin girl, Clare Cunningham (vocals) joined them to form the formidable Thundermother.

Make no mistake these girls can certainly deliver the goods. They have produced an album that is a full throttle rock onslaught. With a pounding rhythm section, some fierce duel guitars, some shit hot vocals along with some catchy rock songs, Thundermother are freaking awesome. They are like a female Motörhead, but more melodic, which pretty much puts them as the successors to Girlschool – only with raunchier, harder vocals!
If you close your eyes pretty much all of their songs (with the exception of Rock n Roll Sisterhood and It's a tease) they could all be performed by any of their male counterparts; many of whom have some serious respect for these chicks.
Road Feveris a raging female road warrior album brimming with full on rock licks and a splash of coquettish charm. It's Just A Teasepokes fun at the feminine construct of lipstick, high heels and short skirts with Cunningham proclaiming “just because I have a skirt, doesn't mean I want more than a flirt... Got nothin' to lose, I got myself to please, It's just a tease.” It turns the macho rock stance on it's head in a welcome genre reversal.
On Deal With The Devil, Stengvist and Ström crank up the racing heart attack rhythm on the drums and bass, facing off the aggressive guitars and hard core vocals from Cunningham.Give Me Some Lights is an ode to stagecraft and showmanship (or woman) in a typical rock 'n' roll way; full of bravado and reminiscent of Joan Jett's I Love Rock 'n' roll in places too. Vagabond utilizes the outlaw dual guitar sound on a killer track with bags of attitude. Thunder Machine has a retro rock feel with an equally punchy riff. Rock 'n' Roll Sisterhoodis an empowering paean for the girls and is a perfect summation of the attitude and sassy nature of these rock chicks.