According to singer Ralf Gyllenhammer Mustasch's new album deals with “manhood, dignity and tenderness. Ralf states that he is also unaware of his machismo “Macho is something I have never recognized in me. To take care of my loved ones has always been more important to me.” Despite an album title, a band name and a musical genre that exudes masculinity, Testosterone could be viewed as the rock album for the modern man. It's a portrait of the several faces of man from the dark side to the good, from the lover to the loner. The context of the album is probably best explained by Ralf .”I stand up for my manhood. But if you're big and strong you should be able to behave well!"

Yara's Song is filled with emotive musical arrangements and some sensitive, blood-curdling desperate vocals as the band tackle the subject of domestic abuse. Breaking Up With Disasterhas some solid riffs and a melodic chorus with some macho growling vocals. The Rider, is a terrific track, it has the feel of a western feel as our lone stranger narrates the story. It's got some wonderful atmospheric acoustic guitar, strings, harmonica and female counterpoint harmony that easily make it the best track on the album. Ralf's vocals are also reminiscent of personal hero Freddie Mercury on this track too, especially in his higher register.
Down To Earth is another song which features a charismatic stranger, but this one appears more like a rogue time lord than an outlaw. It's aggressive yet melodic, with spitting vocals and some pummelling drum work. Their sensitive side comes out in Dreamers, a seductive and ethereal track.Be Like A Man, has a strong message reflecting misconceptions surrounding masculinity; kindness is not a weakness and being there for those who need it is what makes a man, not running away.
Lyrically the album is not that strong overall, although there are certainly some deep words and insight if you listen close enough. Now that Ralf has put aside his guitar to just concentrate on his vocals, his singing is much stronger and focused. The band are cohesive and produce a gutsy sound throughout the album. Of course being a rock album it's got a lot of bravado, but the subtle texturing of keys and strings add a softer, almost feminine side to it. It's a good album and it has some great moments, but not an outstanding release. Perhaps it's time to add some more balls!