Long before the days of manufactured bands, TV talent shows and when every hit didn't feature somebody else, we had real music made by real musicians. Rock band, Senton Bombs hark back to those glorious days of rock and roll before grunge came along. For the long time rock fan their music may not present anything surprising but for a generation force fed the Radio One playlist, it will be a revelation.
The Brighton quartet originally started life as The Terrorists in 2004 making their impact locally for their unique brand of 'punk infected rock n roll'.

Opening track Trailblazer certainly lays down their mission statement and vocalist Joey Class exclaims "a pioneer must appear blazing trails to new frontiers." With strong anti-establishment and political lyrics running through the album, the band could be compared to Megadeth for their awareness of social issues, whilst drawing on other classic rock and punk staples in terms of style. The songs riff makes it very clear that the band's inspiration lies with 90s rock, namely Guns N Roses, at the forefront of their influence. Mainstream continues their decrying of popular culture with acerbic lyrics such as “row your boat gently down the mainstream " The guitar work is pure rock fodder and Scott Mason's thumping drum work is a forceful addition to the track.
Trainwreck is an amusing commentary on internal band politics and who knows possibly even inspired by Axl Rose's onstage antics. The retro melody packs out a sleazy swagger to complement the chaos whilst Out West brings in a Quoirboys feel to the band's rock n roll styling as they add a poppy chorus for the song, something which is uncharacteristic for the band. Mass Vendetta's snarling vocals and guitar riffs are reminiscent of early Iron Maiden or Alice Cooper adding a touch of arena style rock to the raw nature of the album.
The band are far more than a catchy hook and growling bass line, they have a knack for blending genres and are suggestive, irreverent and thoughtful with their lyrics too. With Avalanche, the band adopts a slower style, like a musical reverie, before blasting back with Pretty Tricky and Wedlock Horns bring the back band to dirty sleazy rock with a bit of a country influence. Red Shield is a valiant cautionary tale of the finance industry and Apex rounds off the album with another mature political view on the world surrounding us, delivered in the band's shamelessly upfront style.
For those of you who like your rock bit more sanitised and commercial Senton Bombs are probably not the band for you. If, however, raging rock n roll with the energy of punk and the beer guzzling, brawling sensibilities of unadulterated heavy metal are your bag, you should definitely check out the fourth album from the Blackpool band. It's good old fashioned, head banging rock n roll, just the way you remember it.
Groupie Rating: 4/5