When Magpie Salute released their debut, High Water I, it became obvious that part II was going to come along. For Rich Robinson, the album was always intended to be released as a continuation of a musical journey, rather than an excuse for the band to put out an album of songs they couldn't squeeze on the first. As a companion album it works well, but never quite reaches the same level of impact as part I. Sooner or Later ties the two albums together for musical continuity, but as the album progresses, it feels too similar to Robinson and co's earlier musical projects.

Leave it All Behind has John Hogg's excellent vocals riding over a Beatles inspired 60s psychedelia before continuing with retro references to Traffic and the Small Faces. Alison Krauss guesting on Lost Boy is the biggest surprise on this album, and you can't help thinking that they should have channeled this sound a little bit more. With a Black Crowes reunion on the horizon, The Magpie Salute need to purposefully define their sound to swerve the avoidable Black Crowes comparisons more than ever, sadly that is missing from this release.
Groupie rating 3/5