The Norwegian rock band make a bold impact on their debut EP

Highly charged and political, Fixation have chosen to make their debut 4 tracks of protest songs. Whether rallying against climate change, fake news and social injustice, the Norwegian rockers have embraced the aggression of rock and metalcore to get their message across. Don't let the metalcore tag put you off if anything they have more in common with the likes of Linkin Park or In Flames. The music is rooted in melodic rock, Jonas Hansen's vocals are largely tonal and he only tends to shout when there's something worth shouting about.
All four of the tracks, by accident or design, could easily find their way onto rock radio, What Have We Done? is a cry of despair about what we've done to the planet. There are overtones of Muse in terms of the songs construction. Hansen's vocal extremes on the track show his abilities to powerfully emote a song's message while being incredibly nuanced. The same could also be said of the music on the entire EP.
Neurosis charges things up with a sledgehammer of a riff and Survive follows suit with bags of melody. Things get darker thematically on Bloodline, which could appeal to listeners who like their metalcore more rabid.
As a debut EP Global Suicide shows a strong sense of direction and identity from the young band. It's certainly impressive enough musically and lyrically to draw attention. If they can follow with a long-player that's just versatile and well construct, the band can only continue to surprise and impress.
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