PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR US WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH YOU AND YOUR MUSIC AND TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. Hello my name is Eddie Flinn I am 22 and the lead singer and guitarist for the band Tradmrkd. We are a pop punk band but edge our sound more towards the east bay punk scene of the 90s. The band is made up of 4 people: Finlay Cardno, James Riddoch, Corey Finnie and myself. TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR NEW ALBUM OR SINGLE? We currently do not have an album out, but it is on the cards. As of our new single. Right now, we have only been releasing demo tracks. Of them, one our newest singles is called Pendulum. A song about being really clumsy with whatever you do even when you mean good. As of the album ideas. We have all the material for it, we just don’t have the production line of it sorted yet. WHAT INSPIRED THE ALBUM OR SINGLE? The riff was something I had been sitting on for a while and it's so simple yet so effective. It just sounded like a clumsy chord sequence that the lyrics just flew out. I wouldn’t say I am clumsy as per but I can have my moments. I also wanted to have a simple song that someone could learn in 2 seconds and play on stage with us. I have always liked seeing videos of fans playing on stage. CAN YOU SUM UP THE ALBUM IN A FEW WORDS? The album that we hope to create soon is a package of teenage emotions that we can all relate to. WHAT RECORD CHANGED YOUR LIFE AND WHY? For me, the record that changed my life would be Green Day’s Dookie. Although American Idiot was the first album I got of Green Day Dookie was the one that opened up my heart to the world of punk and music. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MUSIC VIDEO FILMED BY YOUR BAND OR ANOTHER ARTIST? So many, one honorable mention I would like to put out there is Primus’ “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver” that music video has the greatest costumes I have ever seen and never fails to make me laugh. Good tune as well. Tradmrkd as no music videos at the moment although again stuff is in the drawing-room phase. I really like dumb performance music videos, one of the best bands for that is Foo Fighters. They have a song called, The One. That has a good music video and is a great song. WHAT WOULD WE FIND YOU DOING WHEN YOU'RE NOT MAKING MUSIC? You would be seeing me either be doing university work or playing my guitar and singing. Probably more singing than anything. DO YOU GET NERVOUS PERFORMING LIVE, IF SO HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THAT? Strangely I don’t get that nervous before going on stage. It's more the urge of wanting to get on the stage. I love performing, I never knew this before I played my very first gig. I just loved being on stage. The little bit of nerves I had, disappear as soon as I am holding my guitar. I feel at home with one on me. HOW DID YOU FORM THE BAND? The band was originally Finlay and myself with one of our school mates and we just basically messed about having fun playing music. Unfortunately, our mate couldn’t commit when we wanted to push the band on further. So, we were left without a drummer. Luckily, Finlay knew James through college. We knew Corey through mutual friends and going to school together and so he made the fourth member, taking his place as lead guitarist. HOW DO YOU WRITE? - DO YOU HAVE A KEY SONGWRITER, OR DO YOU ALL WORK TOGEHTER? Our current songs were all written by me. I’ve been writing songs since I was 16 so I have a large back catalogue that I tinker about with to develop and make better. As a band, we have created some songs and working on others. Lyrics are mostly left up to me when we create. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Everything and anything. I find I get inspired at random moments, out of nowhere. I have always liked the writing style of Billie Joe and Kurt Cobain, the way they use oxymorons. Also, they don’t seem to make a song sound simple lyrically some songs can be left up to interpretations. I like that mystery to songs and I like to try to replicate them. More of a core look of emotion rather singing, “I’m sad cus this girl doesn’t like me” I think that’s quite boring and lazy. WHAT IS NEXT? Next, hopefully, we can get the band out on the road play as many shows as possible and even release an EP or an Album. We just want to play tons of gigs and have people, hopefully, enjoying our music. PLEASE TELL US ANY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS SO WE CAN SHARE. You can find us and keep up with band updates on our Facebook – Tradmrkd and our Instagram- You should go listen to our demos on our SoundCloud/Tradmrkd.
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